Run the Speak Out Challenge
Here you will find helpful information to help you run the Speak Out Challenge and empower students from all backgrounds to become strong communicators.
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What to expect at your workshop
Our professional workshop leader will arrive first thing in the morning and take a class of between 25 and 30 off timetable for the day. We work within your normal school day, with the same breaks.
The whole day is designed to progressively build young people’s confidence in public speaking by building a psychologically safe environment. The students then take part in structured, interactive exercises for individuals and groups to develop communication skills, expand comfort zones and support participants to exceed
By the end of the workshop students will have prepared a one to two minute speech on a subject that they are passionate about. Here are some of the topics young people choose to discuss.
What happens after the workshop
Assembly Finals
After your in-school workshop(s) you will have several students with powerful speeches who could represent your school at the inter-school level, the Regional Final. To select your speakers we recommend holding an Assembly Final either in school or remotely. This is an excellent opportunity for your students to share their speech with more teachers and fellow students, gain more vital speaking experience and build confidence for the next stage of the programme. To help you run an Assembly Final, use the resouarces below. First, read our Assembly Final Guide, which has everything you need to know and prepare to run an Assembly Final in your school.
Assembly Final PowerPoint Template You can add school logo, pictures and information to make this your own. This PowerPoint will help you structure any assembly final events.
Assembly Final Judging Form You may want to turn this into a digital document using google forms, survey monkey or the education software preferred by your school. Or, you could use old fashioned pen and paper.
Top Tips for students to prepare. These short videos will help refresh students’ memories of their workshop and prepare them to present their speeches.
Student Speech Filming Guidelines A comprehensive guide for students to guide them through filming their speeches at home.
Regional Finals