Speakers Trust’s Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Children and Young People
- Overview and purpose
- Speakers Trust trains over 30,000 young people a year. Safeguarding the wellbeing of young people is our number one priority and this policy sets out Speakers Trust’s approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It applies to all aspects of our work and everyone working for Speakers Trust, including permanent and temporary employees, volunteers, freelance Speakers Trust trainers and event managers and contractors. It is the duty of everyone working for Speakers Trust to safeguard children and young people by creating an environment that protects them.
- Due to the nature of our work, Speakers Trust works with young people in different settings. Our adult staff, freelancers and volunteers deliver training. This policy outlines our safe working practice.
- Children and young people can occasionally disclose information about themselves that they might not have ordinarily done. This might happen at any point of a Speakers Trust intervention – to a member of the Speakers Trust team or to a wider audience in class or at an event. Speakers Trust trainers, event managers, volunteers and staff are often uniquely placed to pick up on safeguarding issues and as such must know how to respond, record and report.
- This policy explains:
- How we protect under 18s from harm
- How we make sure people can raise safeguarding concerns
- How we handle allegations or incidents
- How we report to the relevant authorities.
- This policy will be reviewed annually by the DCPO and the Governance Committee.
- This policy will be published on the ST website.
- Legislation and scope
- This policy has been created in the basis of law and guidance to protect children: the Children’s Act of 1989 and 2004; Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018; Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015;
- In addition to this our Safeguarding Children and Young People policy should be read in conjunction with the following Speakers Trust policies:
- POL 3 Photography Policy
- POL 4 Speakers Trust Complaints Policy
- POL 7 Equal Opportunities Employment Policy
- POL 8 Grievance Procedure
- POL 9 Data Protection Policy post GDPR
- POL 10 Health and Safety
- POL 16 Volunteering Policy
- Conduct and language policy (see Appendix 1)
- Definitions
- Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
- The term ‘child’ is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th ‘Children’ therefore means ‘children and young people’ throughout this policy.
- The term ‘safeguarding’ is taken from the statutory guidance to mean:
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
- The term ‘activity’ means any activity or series of activities arranged for children in the name of the charity. Throughout this policy we have clearly defined the different types of activity as some are hosted by a client/partner and others are designed and delivered by Speakers Trust:
- An ‘activity designed and delivered Speakers Trust’ is one scheduled for children not in a school. For all activities designed and delivered by Speakers Trust we will follow this safeguarding policy.
- A ‘partner or client hosted activity’ is one scheduled with or by the client, and is held on the client’s premises. For all partner or client hosted activities, their safeguarding policy will take precedence but does not replace this policy.
- A ‘regulated’ activity means one or more of the below as a regular activity (at least once a week or 4 days within a 30-day period.):
- Unsupervised activities: teaching, training, instructing or supervising children
- Anyone with access to children’s data (including video material)
- Working (including freelancers and contractors) at schools with opportunities for contact with children
- In line with the NSPCC definitions and signs of child abuse 2018 child abuse is when a person – adult or child – harms a child. It can be physical, sexual or emotional, but can also involve a lack of love, care and attention. Children who suffer abuse may struggle to find the words to speak out, so it’s vital that all members of staff, freelancers, volunteers and external contractors representing Speakers Trust (henceforward termed Speakers Trust workers) working with children are vigilant for the signs of abuse.
- All Speakers Trust staff, freelancers and volunteers are required to act in line with this safeguarding policy.
- If a student makes a disclosure in an activity, workshop or at an event, or a member of staff, freelancer or a volunteer makes an observation which raises concerns about their welfare, the adult must report it.
- If the disclosure or observation happened at a partner or client hosted activity, concerns must be reported to the client’s safeguarding lead (who will then follow their own procedures), and then the Speakers Trust Safeguarding Manager or DCPO (who will then follow up with the client’s DCPO).
- The term ‘activity’ means any activity or series of activities arranged for children in the name of the charity. Throughout this policy we have clearly defined the different types of activity as some are hosted by a client/partner and others are designed and delivered by Speakers Trust:
- Recognising signs of abuse
- Children who suffer abuse may be afraid to tell anybody about the abuse. They may struggle with feelings of guilt, shame or confusion – particularly if the abuser is a parent, caregiver or other close family member or friend. Children and young people who have been abused may want to tell someone, but not have the exact words to do so. They may attempt to disclose abuse by giving adults clues, through their actions and by using indirect words (Allnock and Miller, 2013; Cossar et al, 2013).
- A disclosure is when a child tells you something that relates to their welfare. It may include information relating to abuse or to their mental health. Our workshops provide a safe space which may make it possible for them to open up in a way that has not been possible before. It may also leave them feeling vulnerable.
- An observation is when you observe an indicator that something is wrong and there may be something impacting on their welfare.
- Physical abuse is defined as deliberately hurting a child and causing physical harm (Department of Health, 2017; Department for Education, 2018; Scottish Government, 2014; All Wales Child Protection Review Group, 2008). It includes injuries such as: hitting, kicking, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or suffocating.
- Neglect is defined as “the ongoing failure to meet a child’s basic physical and psychological needs” (Department for Education, 2018; Department of Health, 2017; Scottish Government, 2014; All Wales, Child Protection Review Group, 2008).
- Child sexual abuse is when a child is forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities (All Wales Child Protection Review Group, 2008; Department for Education, 2018; Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, 2017; Scottish Government, 2014). This may involve physical contact or non-contact activities and can happen online or offline.
- Child sexual exploitation is a type of sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity (All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review Group 2013; Department for Education, 2017; NIdirect, 2018; Scottish Government, 2018;).
- Harmful sexual behaviour is developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour which is displayed by children and young people. It may also be referred to as sexually harmful behaviour or sexualised behaviour. It can be displayed towards younger children, peers, older children or adults, and is harmful to the children and young people who display it, as well as the people it is directed towards.
- Emotional abuse is emotional maltreatment of a child, which has a severe and persistent negative effect on the child’s emotional development (Department for Education, 2017; Department of Health, 2017; Scottish Government, 2014; All Wales Child Protection Review Group, 2008). It’s also known as psychological abuse.
- Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between people who are, or who have been in a relationship, regardless of gender or sexuality. It can include physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse.
- Bullying is when individuals or groups seek to harm, intimidate or coerce someone who is perceived to be vulnerable (Oxford English Dictionary, 2018). It can involve people of any age, and can happen anywhere – at home, school or using digital technologies (cyberbullying). This means it can happen at any time.
- Online abuse is any type of abuse that happens on the internet, facilitated through technology like computers, tablets, mobile phones and other electronic devices (Department for Education, 2018; Department of Health, 2017; Scottish Government, 2014; Welsh Assembly Government, 2018).
- Child trafficking is defined as recruiting, moving, receiving and harbouring children for the purpose of exploitation (HM Government, 2011; DHSSPS and Northern Ireland and Police Service of Northern Ireland, 2011; Scottish Government, 2013; All Wales Child Protection Review Group, 2011). Child trafficking is a form of modern slavery (HM Government, 2014). Many children are trafficked into the UK from overseas, but children can also be trafficked from one part of the UK to another.
- Female genital mutilation is the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It’s also known as female circumcision or cutting.
- Guidelines in the event of concern
- All Speakers Trust workers are required to act in line with this safeguarding policy. If a student makes a disclosure in a workshop or a trainer, event manager or volunteer makes an observation which raises concerns about their welfare, the adult must report it. Under no circumstances should they ignore their suspicions and assume that someone else will take action to protect that child.
- Speakers Trust workers working with children need to be able to recognise the different types of abuse (4.3.1 – 4.3.11) as well as the indicators and know how to respond appropriately.
- Do:
- Remain calm, approachable and receptive
- Listen carefully, without interrupting
- Acknowledge you understand how difficult this may be
- Make it clear that you are taking what is said seriously
- Reassure them that they have done the right thing in telling you
- Let them know that you’ll do what you can to help them
- Make a written record of exactly what has been said (as soon as possible) – keep these notes safe and discuss with the Safeguarding Manager for confirmation on what to do with these notes.
- Don’t:
- Promise confidentiality
- Ask leading or probing questions
- Repeatedly question or ask the child to repeat the disclosure
- Discuss the disclosure with people who do not need to know
- Delay in reporting the disclosure.
- What to do next: If you have serious and urgent concerns about the safety of the child:
- If you are in a school: Speak to the Head of Safeguarding before you leave the premises.
- If you are not in a school environment call the DCPO who will in turn call the client or the NSPCC or police (depending on the level of concern).
- In all cases call the Speakers Trust Safeguarding Manager as soon as possible. When recording the safeguarding disclosure or observation they will ask you the following questions (See Appendix 2 for the guide in which questions will be asked):
- Name of client/school (and lead member of staff if known);
- Name of child, including other identifying information e.g. class;
- When and where did the disclosure happen, and what was the context;
- Who else was present;
- Who else heard the disclosure;
- Exactly what was said by the child (try to record word for word);
- Anything you said/or did; and
- Any other observations.
Telephone list for reporting an observation or disclosure:
Scenario | Who to report to/call | Telephone number |
Low level concern | Safeguarding Manager or DCPO (Russell Findlay) Named Trustee, Cindy Rampersaud | 020 7073 2614 (RLJ, AJ, VC) 07597 372 308 (RF) 07481 111985 (CR) |
Further guidance required | NSPCC Followed by DCPO Russell Findlay | 0808 800 5000 (NSPCC) 07597 372 308 (RF) |
Immediate risk of harm/danger | Emergency services Followed by DCPO (Russell Findlay) | 999 (Emergency Services) 07597 372 308 (RF) |
- What to do with your notes: Keep the notes you have made about the disclosure safe and separate them from the rest of your paperwork. This is confidential material. The Safeguarding Manager will agree with you what to do with them.
- Once you have reported the disclosure or observation, the Safeguarding Manager will react, respond, report and refer. If non-emergency they will report to client/school’s safeguarding lead and to follow up for a confirmation of receipt and that the school will be following their standard safeguarding procedures.
- If a member of school staff has also heard the disclosure we recommend that you follow their lead in the classroom in terms of an immediate response. However, nothing overrides the welfare and safety of the child and if necessary you should use your own judgement. Even if a member of staff was present and appears to have acted on the concern you should record what has been said and report it to Speakers Trust. A school is responsible for the child’s welfare and safety but Speakers Trust has a responsibility to ensure information is passed on.
Doing nothing is not an option. It is your responsibility to act.
- Recruitment of employed staff and freelance and volunteer staff
- As part of Speakers Trust employment, we carry out safe recruitment checks on everyone who represents us as a Speakers Trust worker. For any staff members or freelancers who have joined the team from December 2018 two professional references (from last/recent employers) will be requested.
- Individuals who are representing Speakers Trust (whether, employed, freelance, contractors or volunteers) and carry out regulated for the charity will have a different level of checking, training and oversight to an individual/organisation working for Speakers Trust in a role that is not a regulated activity e.g. ad hoc film crew or a visiting guest who is contributing their expertise at an event (see Appendix 3)
- A secure database will be kept listing different Speakers Trust workers or independent workers with dates outlining when checks and training have been made and undertaken.
- Individuals who are representing Speakers Trust (whether, employed, freelance, contractors or volunteers) and carry out regulated for the charity will have a different level of checking, training and oversight to an individual/organisation working for Speakers Trust in a role that is not a regulated activity e.g. ad hoc film crew or a visiting guest who is contributing their expertise at an event (see Appendix 3)
- As part of Speakers Trust employment, we carry out safe recruitment checks on everyone who represents us as a Speakers Trust worker. For any staff members or freelancers who have joined the team from December 2018 two professional references (from last/recent employers) will be requested.
- DBS Checks
- Speakers Trust is registered with UCheck and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to carry out Criminal Record Checks. Enhanced DBS Checks and barred list checks (where appropriate) enable the charity to undertake a more thorough and safer recruitment practise for anyone working with children.
- Speakers Trust will accept an enhanced DBS authorised by a different agency, company or charity provided:
- It was issued within an appropriate timescale for the risk level of the role, as determined by ST policy
- The applicant’s identity matches the details on the certificate using Government guidelines on ID
- The certificate is the right level and type for the role applied for.
- Speakers Trust accepts and encourages the DBS update service for all workers.
- All Speakers Trust workers (paid or unpaid) delivering regulated activity and are eligible for an enhanced with barred DBS check will be required to get one. Individuals working for another organisation and are supporting Speakers Trust providing a different area of expertise will need a Basic Check.
- Where it is impractical to get a Basic Check workers will be given a copy of the Safeguarding Children and Young People policy and be asked to sign a declaration confirming they have no convictions relating to children and that they will abide by the Speakers Trust policy. They will be briefed by a Speakers Trust worker with a DBS and Safeguarding Training and will be closely supervised by someone with an enhanced check and safeguarding training.
- Speakers Trust recognises that it is not possible for short notice workers (paid or unpaid) to provide an enhanced DBS or a Basic Check. In these cases workers will be required to sign a declaration stating they have no convictions making them unsuitable to work with children and that they will abide by the Speakers Trust policy. They will be briefed by a Speakers Trust worker with a DBS and Safeguarding Training and will be closely supervised by someone with an enhanced check and safeguarding training.
- All observations, shadowing sessions, and unregulated work (not delivered by a Speakers Trust worker) must be organised by the central team and agreed by the school/client in advance.
- Under no circumstances may an adult observing, shadowing, delivering unregulated work (not delivered by a Speakers Trust worker) be left unattended with children.
- Speakers Trust will need to see the original DBS certificate for all Speakers Trust workers before work commences and on a reoccurring annual basis.
- When a Speakers Trust worker (and anyone delivering unregulated work) stops working with, or for, Speakers Trust, all their DBS data or copies of their DBS certificate will be promptly shredded and/or permanently deleted (within one month of termination of work).
- DBS responsibilities: Every Speakers Trust worker is responsible for their own certificate. This includes:
- Producing DBS certificate when requested by Speakers Trust or our clients.
- If a Speakers Trust worker would like Speakers Trust to hold a central copy of their DBS (to facilitate requests from clients to DBS certificates) they will need to consent to this annually – it is optional and is not a requirement of working with Speakers Trust.
- The safekeeping of their own certificate.
- Carrying the original DBS certificate with them to every Speakers Trust activity.
- Informing Speakers Trust if the status of their criminal record changes or they are under a police investigation.
- Ensuring their DBS is dated with the Speakers Trust DBS guidelines according to the role and access to children and their data (see Appendix 3).
- If a Speakers Trust worker’s (or anyone delivering regulated work for Speakers Trust) DBS is older than the renewal date (outlined in Appendix 3) – all work will be reallocated until their new DBS has been received.
- DBS with positive disclosures: Should a DBS with content be received, a risk assessment will be carried out by the DCPO.
- This risk assessment will assess the information contained within the DBS.
- The member of staff or freelancer will be asked to attend an interview prior to a recruitment decision being finalised.
- The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 should be considered in all cases before a final decision is made.
- Speakers Trust is committed to providing equal opportunities to staff and therefore a full DBS which has content, will not necessarily result in not being able to work with Speakers Trust.
- Producing DBS certificate when requested by Speakers Trust or our clients.
- All observations, shadowing sessions, and unregulated work (not delivered by a Speakers Trust worker) must be organised by the central team and agreed by the school/client in advance.
- Speakers Trust is registered with UCheck and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to carry out Criminal Record Checks. Enhanced DBS Checks and barred list checks (where appropriate) enable the charity to undertake a more thorough and safer recruitment practise for anyone working with children.
- Safeguarding Training
- Speakers Trust is committed to ensuring that everyone who works for us understands their safeguarding responsibilities and keeps their knowledge up to date.
- All employed staff, freelancers and long term volunteers (over 3 months) are required to attend an NSPCC’s Introduction to Child Protection and Safeguarding or complete the NSPCC Child Protection in Schools online course (or equivalent courses) before working with any children and within three months of taking up employment/commitment to working with Speakers Trust. This training must be refreshed a minimum of once every three years. All training days for freelance trainers and event managers must – as standard – ensure safeguarding is covered (what is a safeguarding issue, how to respond, how to report).
- Risk Assessments
- Any activity undertaken by Speakers Trust must have a relevant risk assessment assigned to it, filled in by the relevant Programme Director or Manager and approved by the DCPO. These assessments must be filed with the activity plans and be accessible at any time.
- Activities designed and delivered by Speakers Trust (see 3.4.1), which are different from one another will require individual risk assessments tailored to individual activities
- A partner or client hosted activity (see 3.4.2) will require a different risk assessment for each activity type.
- Consent
- Speakers Trust will obtain parent/guardian consent for all activities that designed and delivered by Speakers Trust (see 3.4.1). This consent form must outline any specific risks that must be considered as well as detail on what they are consenting to.
- Speakers Trust will do everything it can to safeguard young people in its care but recognise, in some circumstances, due to the nature of the work carried out, obtaining parental consent for specific activities is not always possible (e.g. for school supplied hosts/volunteers/musicians or audience members at an event). In these circumstances the school will be informed and asked if there is any reason why photographs cannot be posted online.
- Speaking in public builds confidence and self-esteem but it can also bring challenges. This is especially true when someone is speaking on personally important or controversial topics. Speakers Trust has comprehensive guidelines in place to support children with their decision on what to speak about (see Parent/Guardian consent, teacher agreement, student notes, teacher notes and SOC workbook).
- Use of Images and Videography
- Speakers Trust publishes photographs and videos of speeches made by children, online and on digital channels. As such, we are a controller of children’s digital media and have a responsibility to ensure it is used safely and in accordance with their welfare and dignity.
- We have a photography and video policy for (see 2.2 reference to POL 3 and a policy on the storage and use of all digital media associated with young people (see 2.2 reference to POL 9). These policies must be adhered to by all Speakers Trust workers.
- Staff Behaviour
- The standards of behaviour expected of Speakers Trust workers are outlined in the conduct and language policy (see 2.2 reference and Appendix 1). All staff, volunteers and freelancers must abide by this at all times.
- All staff will complete a probationary period, in which the staff members performance and behaviour is closely monitored.
- Referral to the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS): If Speakers Trust removes someone from working with children (or would have, had the person not left first) because the person is believed to pose a risk of harm to children, the ST must make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service using the DBS referral form.
- A decision to refer will be taken by the CEO in conjunction with the Safeguarding Trustee.
- Speakers Trust will refer someone to the DBS (within three months) if they:
- Dismissed them because they harmed a child;
- Dismissed them or removed them from working in a regulated activity or because they might have harmed a child;
- Were planning to dismiss them for either of these reasons, but the person resigned first; or
- Information comes to light that, had it been known before, would have led to the person being removed from working in a regulated activity.
- Use of Social Media
- All Speakers Trust workers must be respectful and responsible online as you are offline and use good judgment at all times when using social media.
- Speakers Trust workers should have no contact with children on social media; this includes, but is not limited to, accepting friends on Facebook and tweeting at their handles.
- We ask that everyone should remember not to post anything online that they wouldn’t want parents, teachers, beneficiaries, minors, employers or funders to see. Once something is online it can sometimes be shared and spread in ways you never intended.
- Regardless of your privacy settings, assume that all of the information you have shared on your social network is public information. Where possible Speakers Trust encourages separate personal and professional accounts.
- Speaking in public builds confidence and self-esteem but it can also bring challenges. This is particularly true when using social media. Speakers Trust has comprehensive guidelines in place to support children with their decision on what to speak about and understanding that messages can be shared online (see Parent/Guardian consent, teacher agreement, student notes and teacher notes).
- A child, parent/guardian or teacher can ask for any Speakers Trusted hosted (ST website, JPSOC website or ST and JPSOC social media channels) material to be taken down at any time. Speakers Trust staff must oblige with these requests promptly.
- Under no circumstances should you publish, post or release information that is considered confidential. If it seems confidential, it probably is.
- Learning and Improving
- As a learning and development charity it is essential that we keep improving our knowledge and understanding of how best to protect children. We review our own practice annually to check we are placing the right emphasis on safeguarding in our work. Following a serious incident we will conduct an additional review and will promote a culture in which we can learn and improve our practice.
- This safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually by the DCPO and the Governance Committee.
Appendix 1
- Conduct and Language Policy
- This document should be read in conjunction with our Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy. Its aim is to set out best practice when training children and young people and to help all trainers and volunteers safeguard against any allegation of impropriety from a child, young person or teacher.
- At all times, you should take care not to place yourself in a vulnerable position with a child.
- Conduct
- Training should always be undertaken in a neutral venue and never take place in a trainer’s home or otherwise in a residential property except with the knowledge and written consent of Speakers Trust, the parents or guardian and contact staff/ organiser.
- Direct contact with children and young people should, where training is being delivered through a school or organisation, only be made through a representative of the relevant school or organisation. In all other cases it should be through a parent or legal guardian. When a Speakers Trust worker needs to contact a student – communication should be clear and transparent and always cc in their parent/guardian or teacher.
- Unless absolutely necessary, young people should not be taken alone on car journeys. Where it is unavoidable the full knowledge and consent of the parents or guardian and a senior member at the organisation/ school should be sought. In seeking consent, you should state the proposed purpose of the journey and the anticipated length. You should also check and confirm insurance liability.
- It is best practice never to touch a student. An arm around the shoulder or a pat on the back could be misconstrued. In addition, if you are trying to illustrate a point about posture or body language, you should use your own body to demonstrate your recommendations.
- There may be occasions, however, when physical contact is unavoidable e.g. to provide support to a sick or disabled child. Physical contact should only take place with the consent of the child and the purpose of the contact should be clear.
- If you are in the unfortunate position of having to use physical intervention as a last resort with a child or young person (i.e. where a child or young person is endangering him/herself or others) please be aware that any action that causes injury or distress may be considered under the child protection or disciplinary procedures.
- Before taking photographs of children at training or competition events, Speakers Trust trainers and volunteers need to request permission from the school or organisation through which the training is being delivered to obtain any necessary parental or legal guardian permissions. No photographs will be taken of children and young people at any Speakers Trust event without such permissions.
- Ratios and supervision of children:
- Where possible, trainers and volunteers should avoid being alone with a group of children or young people. Best practice is to have a teacher or another responsible adult with you at all times.
- Any activity undertaken by Speakers Trust will always give full consideration to the appropriate number of staff members available depending on the age of children involved; the degree of risk the activity involved.
Activity | Venue | Student numbers | Student age | ST staff / freelancer | Teacher / Mentor |
School workshop | School | 25-30 | 13-17 | 1 | 1 requested |
NCS workshop | External | 40-75 | 16-17 | 1 | 1/12 students |
Regional Final | School | 125 | 14-15 | 2 | 8-22 requested |
Grand Final | External | 15 | 14-15 | 2 | 0 |
Alumni activity | External | 20-30 | 15-16 | 1-2 | 0 |
- In line with NSPCC guidance, children under 12 years must be accompanied in any Speakers Trust activity at all times.
- For any activity that is offered by Speakers Trust (and is not a communication skills workshop) a minimum of 2 members of staff or freelancers, with appropriate DBS checks will always be available to supervise any activity, event or trip. This ensures basic cover in the event of something impacting on the availability of one of the responsible adults during the trip.
- Language
- Speakers Trust trainers and volunteers are strongly advised not to make any comments relating to gender or physical appearance.
- Speakers Trust trainers and volunteers will strongly discourage the use of offensive or oppressive language by children or young people in relation to race, culture, age, gender, disability, religion, sexuality or political persuasion.
- Although we encourage pupils to call trainers and volunteers by your first name, please wear your name badge at all times as this makes the practice more professional. In turn, it is strongly advised that trainers and volunteers call the children and young people by their first names only and do not use colloquial, non-specific endearments such as “Hun”, “Sweetie”, etc, which could later be misconstrued.
Appendix 2
Template for Safeguarding disclosures/ concerns
Please note, the Programme Director you call will record your responses in the below form – there is no need for you to fill in this form and send to anyone.
All disclosures will be taken over the phone – please ensure you are in a private place, away from anywhere you could be overheard when reporting a disclosure/concern and report it as soon as possible.
Programme Director recording disclosure/concern | Name |
Date and time | Date and time |
Person reporting and their role | Your name will be shared with the school/client |
Their contact details (if applicable) | Your contact details will be shared with the school/client (if applicable) |
Name of school/provider | This is the school/client you were working with when the observation/disclosure occurred |
Lead teacher/contact | This is the name of the lead contact and if they were present |
Their contact details (if applicable) | |
Name of child, including other identifying information e.g. class | |
When and where did the disclosure/observation happen | |
Who else was present | |
Exactly what was said by the child and/or exactly what did you observe | Please try to remember word-for-word |
What did you say and/or do | Please try to remember word-for-word |
Who else heard the disclosure /saw the incident | Please make a list of anyone else who was present |
What action did they take/say they would take (if any) | |
Any other observations or relevant information | |
Any actions agreed for the trainer/event manager | |
What should the trainer/event manager do with their notes | |
Action to be taken by the Programme Director | |
Who was this discussed with | |
Record of actions taken (with dates and supporting documentation) | |
Outcome (if known) | |
Internal audit |
NB: recorded information should be read back and checked with Trainer/Event Manager. Trainer/Event Manager should pass their notes to Speakers Trust for safe keeping in appropriate manner.
Appendix 3
Calculating how often a DBS check needs to be done
Everyone working on behalf of Speakers Trust (employed, freelance, contractor or volunteer) as a Speakers Trust worker and undertaking a regulated activity, or managing anyone undertaking a regulated activity, must have an enhanced DBS check.
Any individual or company representing themselves will be subject to a different check.
Each role will be assessed for risk to children and organisation and will be categorised into low, medium and high bands. This categorisation depends on the frequency and level of contact that this individual or company has with children, their position within the organisation and any prior-information known about the individual.
Points system
Score | Risk | Frequency of checking |
1-3 points e.g. office administrator with no access to children’s data | Low | Every 3 years |
4-5 points e.g. regular camera operator | Medium | Every 2 years |
6+ points e.g. regular trainer or event manager with regulated activity | High | Every year |
Template assessment grid to assist with determining frequency of rechecking DBS certificates
Risk Factors | 1 (Low) | 2 (Medium) | 3 (High) |
Contact with children (or their data): access 1 point = Never 2 points = Supervised 3 points = Unsupervised | |||
Contact with children: opportunity 1 point = less than 3 times year 2 points = 3-6 times a year 3 points = more than 6 times a year | |||
Association with Speakers Trust: 1 point = low association (eg ad hoc contractor) 2 points = represents organisation in writing e.g. project manager 3 points = Leadership role or represents Speakers Trust at events (e.g. Event Manager, Trainer, Trustee) | |||
Total | |||
Mitigation | |||
ST information on an individual (apart from DBS) e.g. references, feedback from schools, day to day observation/ interaction. | |||
Risk minus mitigation = banding score for negative scores |
Assessment for Speakers Trust workers
Role | RISK FACTOR Contact level (children) | RISK FACTOR Contact frequency (children) | RISK FACTOR Association with Speakers Trust | MITIGATOR Speakers Trust knowledge of individual | TOTAL |
Regular trainer | 3 | 3 | 3 | -2 | 7 |
New traineee trainer | 3 | 1 | 3 | -1 | 6 |
Regular event manager | 3 | 3 | 3 | -2 | 7 |
New trainee event manager | 3 | 1 | 3 | -1 | 6 |
Regular camera operator | 2 | 3 | 2 | -2 | 5 |
New ad hoc camera operator | 2 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 3 |
Trustee | 2 | 1-2 | 3 | -2 | 4-5 |
Founder | 2 | 1-2 | 3 | -2 | 4-5 |
Office volunteer (assuming no unsupervised access to children's data) | 2 | 1 | 2 | -2 | 3 |
Office staff (with access to children's data) | 2 | 1 | 2 | -2 | 3 |
Recommendation: Determine frequency of rechecking by risk
Score | Risk | Frequency of requested DBS certificate (for decision) |
1-2 | Low | Every 3 years |
4-5 | Medium | Every 2 years |
6+ | High | Every year (via updating service) |
You can download a copy of our safeguarding policy here.