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Candice Brown, welcome to the panel

On Monday 18th July, Jack Petchey’s “Speak Out” Challenge! Grand Finalists will take to the stage of the Cambridge Theatre and share their speeches for the last time in this competition.
Every year we have the privilege of listening to the passionate voices of thousands of young people. Every speech is unique and inspiring in its own way, making it an incredibly tough decision to determine who the next Jack Petchey “Speak Out” Challenge! Grand Champion will be. Fortunately, we will be joined by our esteemed panel of judges who are taking on this difficult job. The panel consists of politicians, athletes, presenters, and influencers all known for using their voices to create change. They will judge the competition based on Content, Delivery & Structure and thereby determine who will be crowned the 2022 “Speak Out” Challenge! Champion!
In no particular order, let’s meet the judges!
Candice Brown won the Great British Bake Off in 2016 and is now a food writer for The Sunday Times as well as a best-selling author. Before her Bake-Off success, Candice was a teacher and knows the value of empowering the next generation.
She says, “If you believe in something, it is so important to have a voice.”