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Meet Grand Finalist Jade Carnaje

In 2020 Jack Petchey’s “Speak Out” Challenge! Grand Final took to the airwaves – for the first time ever we broadcast around the world from a London film studio via YouTube. All but a handful of last year’s finalists shared their messages at digital events rather than live on stage. But things have changed and we are thrilled that this year the Grand Final will return to its home in the heart of London’s West End, the Cambridge Theatre on Monday 29th November. The count down is on!
More than 20,000 year 10 students from state schools in London and Essex took part in the “Speak Out” Challenge! this academic year, just fifteen students have become 2021 Grand Finalists.
All of this year’s finalists are Digital Champions whose pre-recorded speeches were broadcast as Zoom webinars to an audience of friends, families, teachers, the finalists themselves and of course, a panel of esteemed judges.
In no particular order Grand Finalist Jade Carnaje!
Her speech ‘What is life?’ earned her and her school, All Saints Catholic School and Technology College, Barking and Dagenham, first place in her Digital Final in July. Jade probes one of humanity’s most fundamental questions to examine the things we prize and prioritise.
We asked Jade, what three top tips on life would you give a Year Seven student?
- Be yourself – authenticity helps build trust.
- Try new things – secondary school is a great way to take advantage of all the opportunities you are given.
- Don’t be scared to ask for help – you will not believe how many people are there for you.
Why do you think it’s important for young people, like you, to share their stories?
In order for us to better the world, we must be able to learn from each other so that we can understand how we can utilise each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
You could have made a speech anything in the world. Why did you speak about this one subject?
It is important for people to understand that we only live once, and so we must make the most of our time on Earth.

Watch Jade’s speech.