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Meet Grand Final judge Hayley Mulenda

4 Jul 2024

On Monday 8th July, Jack Petchey’s Speak Out Challenge Grand Finalists will take to the stage of the Cambridge Theatre. Every speech is unique and inspiring in its own way, making it an incredibly tough decision to determine who the next Jack Petchey’s Speak Out Challenge Grand Champion will be, which is why we invited an esteemed panel of judges to take on that difficult task!

The panel consists of artists, presenters and campaigners all known for using their voice to create change. They will judge the competition based on the content, delivery, structure and positive impact of each speech and help us crown this years winner.

In no particular order, let’s meet the judges!

Hayley Mulenda is a multi-award winning International Speaker whose story has impacted millions, where she opens up about turning Pain to Purpose and the power of authenticity.

Hayley has been recognised as one of the most influential voices within her generation, and she trains hundreds around the world. She says: If you empower the voice of a young person, you give vision back to the future!! Love what Speakers Trust is doing! Looking forward to supporting the next generation inspire through their stories! 


Q. We asked Haley: In your experience, what does it mean to find your voice?

A. To find your voice is to find your truth and to advocate for it.
To be a voice means you stand for something and you aim to liberate others through your stance! 

Q. Why is empowering young people important to you?

A. Whitney Houston once said, I believe the children are the future and I think that’s one of the most accurate things I’ve heard.
If you want to nurture a nation, nurture the younger generation. Remind people of their possibilities and not their limitation!
The next leaders are not picked, they’re raised. We have the opportunity to contribute to change, by helping young people. 

Q. What does communication mean to you?

A. Communication means to commune, which means to be one.
Most disagreements always take place because of miscommunication, so imagine the type of agreements that can happen if there’s true communication?
I think communication is a big solution to a lot of issues. So it means everything to me. 

Q. And finally, thinking about our young speakers, how can they provoke the change they want to see in the world?

A. Don’t settle with words, let your life also speak what you’re passionate about!