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Meet Grand Final Judge Ben Shires

6 Jul 2024

In 2 days from now, Jack Petchey’s Speak Out Challenge Grand Finalists will take to the stage of the Cambridge Theatre. Every speech is unique and inspiring in its own way, making it an incredibly tough decision to determine who the next Jack Petchey’s Speak Out Challenge Grand Champion will be, which is why we invited an esteemed panel of judges to take on that difficult task!

The panel consists of artists, presenters and campaigners all known for using their voice to create change. They will judge the competition based on the content, delivery, structure and positive impact of each speech and help us crown this years winner.

In no particular order, let’s meet the judges!

Ben Shires is the award-winning presenter of kids TV favourites Officially Amazing,  Match of the Day Kickabout (CBBC) and  Dig Detectives (Sky Kids), as well as the owner of a rather splendid quiff.  Ben is in demand for live event hosting, and has worked for many years with high profile organisations such as the Premier League, BAFTA and English Heritage. 

We asked Ben:

Q. In your experience, what does it mean to find your voice?

A. I think to find your voice, you first have to find your passion – the thing that makes you want to shout from the rooftops. Only then will you be able to speak authentically on a subject with knowledge and enthusiasm. And once you’ve found it, it’s the most joyous feeling in the world!

Q.Why is empowering young people important to you?

A. Young people are the most progressive, tolerant and dynamic demographic in society. To not empower them risks not only leaving them unrepresented, but also puts their futures in the hands of those who often don’t have their best interests at heart. Empowering young people has a hugely beneficial effect on both their own generation and wider society as a whole. 

Q. What does communication mean to you?

A. Communication can be anything from a chat over a coffee to a WhatsApp to a raised eyebrow. It can say everything and nothing in a billion different ways. But regardless of the means of delivery, in my experience the most effective form of any communication is relayed with passion, integrity and a positive intent. 

Q. And finally, thinking about our young speakers, how can they provoke the change they want to see in the world?

A. Provoking change can seem a daunting prospect; it always seems impossible until it’s done. Getting started, in however small or large a way, will always make a difference and once you’ve built a platform, the only limit to your growth is you. 


Thank you Ben and see you at the Cambridge Theatre!